Nar-Anon Family Groups - for friends and families of addicts

Golden Gate Area

Links to Nar-Anon Sites

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The Twelve Traditions of Nar-Anon Fam­ily Groups[1]  state:

Our Fam­ily Groups ought never to en­dorse, fi­nance or lend our name to any out­side en­ter­prise, lest prob­lems of money, prop­er­ty and pres­tige di­vert us from our pri­mary spir­i­tu­al aim; but al­though a sep­a­rate en­ti­ty, we should always co­op­er­ate with Nar­cot­ics Anon­y­mous.


The Nar-Anon Fam­ily Groups have no opin­ion on out­side is­sues; hence our name ought never be drawn into pub­lic con­tro­ver­sy.

Therefore, we only have links to or­gan­i­za­tions that are part of Nar-Anon Fam­ily Groups or Nar­cot­ics Anon­y­mous.