Nar-Anon Family Groups - for friends and families of addicts

Golden Gate Area

About Us

Who may join Nar-Anon Family Groups?
Nar-Anon Fam­ily Groups are twelve-step sup­port groups for friends and fam­i­lies of ad­dicts and drug a­bus­ers, who are af­fect­ed by the prob­lems re­lat­ed to ad­dic­tion or are try­ing to help the ad­dict. Any­one who has a close friend or rel­a­tive whom they sus­pect may have a drug de­pen­den­cy prob­lem is wel­come to at­tend our meet­ings, regardless of what drug is involved -- whether it in­volves prescription medication or rec­re­a­tion­al drugs. Our mem­bers have in­clud­ed the spouse, husband, wife, partner, parent, mother, father, child, son, daughter, sibling, brother, sister, employer, employee, and co-worker of an ad­dict. All are wel­come whether or not the ad­dict is in re­cov­er­y or re­ceiv­ing treatment for ad­dic­tion or mental illness, whether or not he/she still uses, whether or not the ad­dict even admits that there is a prob­lem. Addition is a fam­ily disease, so when a friend or fam­ily mem­ber be­comes involved, it be­comes their prob­lem as well, and they are wel­come to join Nar-Anon.
How do I join a group?
There is no need to reg­is­ter – just come to the meet­ing.
What is the fee?
The Nar-Anon Fam­ily Groups are free. We do not have dues or fees, but col­lect vol­un­tary con­tri­bu­tions from mem­bers to cov­er our cost of rent and lit­er­a­ture, and to sup­port the Gold­en Gate Area, the North­ern Cal­i­for­nia Re­gion, and the World Ser­vice. Many mem­bers contribute a few dollars each meet­ing. New­com­ers do not contribute at their first meet­ing, and will even re­ceive a free pack­et of Nar-Anon lit­er­a­ture. Ad­di­tion­al lit­er­a­ture is offered for sale with prices ranging from 50¢ to $20.
Which communities are covered by this website?
The Gold­en Gate Area of Nar-Anon Fam­ily Groups in­cludes the cities of San Fran­cis­co, No­va­to, and Pa­ci­fi­ca in Cal­i­for­nia. We are associated with the Northern California Region of Nar-Anon Fam­ily Groups and the Nar-Anon Fam­ily Groups World Service. The groups in the Gold­en Gate Area sup­port the lo­cal phone ser­vice, this web­site, and spe­cial events.
How do groups work?
Our meet­ings are self-help re­cov­er­y sup­port groups where we help each other by shar­ing our ex­per­i­ence in dealing with drug ad­dic­tion and sub­stance abuse in our friends, fam­ily, or co-workers. We learn through each other's ex­per­i­ence, strength, and hope, and from our lit­er­a­ture written by Nar-Anon mem­bers.

During the meet­ing each per­son speaks one at a time about his/her own ex­per­i­ence. We do not ques­tion or comment about other per­son's shares, so there is no fear of being criticized. We do not give advice. Each per­son works the pro­gram in his/her own way. All of us are work­ing towards a common goal, but recognize that this is a work-in-progress, and that nobody has the perfect answer. We take those parts of other peo­ple's ex­per­i­ence that may help and inspire us, and leave the rest, accepting that we all have dif­fer­ent beliefs and ways of living our lives.

We do not have professional therapists or "experts" work­ing in the groups, nor do we give re­fer­rals. We simply learn from each other's ex­per­i­ence – the kind of ex­per­i­ence that only rel­a­tives or close friends of an ad­dict can have. The meet­ings are run by our mem­bers. Individuals can work the Nar-Anon pro­gram alone, or along with other rehabilitation, re­cov­er­y, or psychotherapy pro­grams of their choice. Mem­bers can make a commitment to themselves to work the pro­gram, and af­ter they have some ex­per­i­ence, may do ser­vice to help run the group and share their ex­per­i­ence with new mem­bers.

Each group may send a representative to the Gold­en Gate Area business meet­ings and the North­ern Cal­i­for­nia Re­gion business meet­ings to sup­port activities in the Gold­en Gate Area and the North­ern Cal­i­for­nia Re­gion.

How do members work the program?
We read Nar-Anon literature, share our ex­per­i­ence with each other in our group meet­ings, work one-on-one with a Nar-Anon spon­sor, and use the Twelve-step method to bet­ter our lives. The Twelve Steps teach us to let go of things we can­not con­trol, regain hope that change is pos­si­ble, learn new ways to deal with situations, accept the con­se­quences of our actions, maintain humble honesty with ourselves and other peo­ple, and take responsibility for the parts of our lives that we can con­trol. A mem­ber can work with a spon­sor, who is a more experienced mem­ber of Nar-Anon. These are the same Twelve Steps as Nar­cot­ics Anon­y­mous uses. While we work in a similar way, we are com­plete­ly in­de­pen­dent from other Twelve-step fel­low­ships.
What is the Golden Gate Area?
The Gold­en Gate Area consists of lo­cal groups who have decided, through their group con­science, to form the area. Because of group au­ton­o­my, as expressed in our Fourth Tradition, only the groups themselves can de­ter­mine to be part of an area. Thus, we can­not make a def­i­nite state­ment about the boun­dar­ies of an area. His­tor­i­cal­ly, the Gold­en Gate Area has in­clud­ed groups in the San Fran­cis­co, Mar­in, and north­ern San Mateo Coun­ties of Cal­i­for­nia, with meet­ings in San Fran­cis­co, No­va­to, Pa­ci­fi­ca, and San Ra­fael. Cur­rent­ly, there are meet­ings in No­va­to, Pa­ci­fi­ca, and San Fran­cis­co. The Gold­en Gate Area will en­thu­si­as­ti­cal­ly in­clude any near­by group that wishes to join the area. On the other hand, a group in these coun­ties is not com­pel­led to be part of the area.

Through the Gold­en Gate Area, its groups help sup­port each other. They do this by op­er­a­ting this web­site and phone ser­vice. They also organize lo­cal activities, such as picnics, uni­ty days, and other events, for lo­cal Nar-Anon mem­bers to meet, par­tic­i­pate, and share our ex­per­i­ence, strength, and hope.

For more information on how Nar-Anon is structured, download the "Guide to Local Services" from the Service Literature page of the World Service website.

For more information about Nar-Anon Family Groups world-wide
, please see the What's Nar-Anon? page of the World Service website.